Other People Want to Know…
Do I need to have my medical marijuana card?
Yes, Our Providers can refer you to a Physician who can provide a recommendation for you to obtain your medical marijuana card in following OMMA guidelines.
Is cannabis right for me?
If you answer “Yes” to any of questions below, a Cannabis nurse consultation is important to ensure safe and optimal medical cannabis use:
I would like to pursue an individualized approach to optimize my health.
I am currently taking pharmaceuticals or would like to reduce my pharma reliance.
I amseeking cannabis for a child or adolescent patient.
I have been diagnosed with cancer.
I have a cardiac or respiratory condition
I have been diagnosed with diabetes.
I have a mental health disorder (schizophrenia, bipolar, anxiety, etc)
I am seeking cannabis to manage/improve a chronic or complex medical condition.
What is a Cannabis Consultation?
There are multiple factors in determining individualized treatment plans and our Providers are skilled at determining the most therapeutic regimens for an array of chronic health conditions. You will receive one-on-one counseling and will receive a cannabis handbook guide after your initial consultation.
Our Nurse Practitioner specializes in applied Cannabis therapeutics for chronic conditions to include: autism, ADD/ADHD, autoimmune/immune disorders, cancer, epilepsy, GI disorders, neurological and mental health disorders, and acute/chronic pain/inflammation.
Our Providers strive to close the gap in healthcare that overwhelms patients as their traditional healthcare Providers are often not knowledgeable about the benefits of medicinal Cannabis. If they are aware, they are generally not prepared to provide individual guidance we all look for when starting a new regimen to improve our health.